  To transfer the risks out of the Project onto the International Insurance and Reinsurance market; this is the cornerstone of IPFM Group indemnification of risk model:  
  IPFM Group arranges for the International Insurance/Reinsurance Companies to drastically reduce the following Project risks:  
Physical, environmental, catastrophic.  
When necessary – political and sovereign.  
IPFM Group arranges for the placing of protections from the International Insurance/Reinsurance Market who provide coverage's including insurance policies, thereby safeguarding the Project Company itself, its Investors, Shareholders, and Lenders.  
Indemnity cover is placed over such crucial factors as loss of revenue (gross and net), profit, loss of production, interruption, increased cost of working, and over anything that could diminish the actual cash flow and revenue of the Project.  
In some cases IPFM Group places additional safeguards which could in certain circumstances involve such criterias as credit risks, market risks and legal risks  
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    As a consequence, this allows many types of Funding Organizations to provide the finance without being exposed themselves.    
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Contact Us: information@ipfmgroup.com
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