  IPFM Group arranges an Independent Third Party Institutional Guarantor to indemnify the risks and possible exposures any Infrastructure oriented Project could face:  
  In order to obtain IPFM Group's support:  
The Project must be able to demonstrate its long term commercial value, that it has long term viability and is commercially sound.  
Must have a good Business Plan.  
Must have a good cash flow, and the ability to both service and repay all indebtedness.  
Must be approved by the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies, for the coverage's to be placed.  
IPFM Group arranges for the financial providers to receive the protection of knowing that the best and most respected International Insurance/Reinsurence Companies have placed their backing behind the Project.  
IPFM Group creates a bridge and connection between the International Insurance Market, financial providers, and the Emerging Markets Infrastructural Projects themselves.  
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    Within the Indemnification & Financial Engineering Mechanisms IPFM Group provides for all involved: Real time Project oversight review, Project data review, and constant Project liaison by IPFM Group's Service Provider Division.    
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Contact Us: Information@ipfmgroup.com
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